If you have been in a motorcycle accident and wondering what to do next?  The motorcycle accident lawyers at NOVA Injury Law have put together this list of 5 keys to getting fair compensation for  motorcycle injury claims in Halifax and Nova Scotia to ensure motorcycle injury victims have all their bases covered.

The stress of a motorcycle accident can cause people to overlook important steps they should take to protect their motorcycle injury claim. In-case you have already missed one or more of these steps, don’t worry. We’ve included advice on what to do if you have forgotten or were unable to complete each step.

  • Key to Motorcycle Injury Claims 1: Get Medical Attention

Regardless of whether you feel pain immediately after the accident or not, it is of the utmost importance that you seek medical care as soon as possible. If paramedics were not on the scene of the accident and you have not yet seen a doctor, you should visit your family doctor, a hospital, or a walk-in clinic.

But I feel fine? Why waste my time?

Simply put, you may have an injury that you are not aware of. Whether it’s from the adrenalin or just delayed onset, you must get medical documentation of any potential injuries. To maximize your settlement, you will need to prove that your injuries were a result of the motorcycle accident, and there’s no better way to do that than a paper trail of medical documentation.

Key to Motorcycle Injury Claims 2: Get a Copy of the Accident Report

After your motorcycle accident, did you call the police?

You did call the police? Great! Having the police attend the scene ensures a police report is filed and guarantees a documented record of the event, which can help strengthen your claim as it develops.

Tip: If you haven’t already obtained the name and badge number of the police officer that attended the scene, call the police department and ask for this information. It can prove very useful for your motorcycle injury claim in the weeks to come.

Didn’t call the police? There are a few actions you can take to ensure proper documentation occurs.

Did you not call the police because your injuries left you unconscious?

If this is the case, you must contact the police to see if a police report has been filed. If the injuries were this serious, a police report was likely filed. However, it is advisable to confirm this fact. At the same time, you should get the police report number and add any details you may remember from the accident.                

Were the police simply not called because you forgot or didn’t think it was necessary?

If this was the case, be sure to call the police and report the accident. While you may not feel this is entirely necessary, you will thank yourself later when you have documented support for your claim. Furthermore, you’ll want to know if the other driver is charged relating to the accident, as this will strengthen your claim.

Key to Motorcycle Injury Claims 3: Make Sure You Have the other Driver’s Information

What information do I need from other driver after the accident? 

While this can be confusing for many people, here is a brief overview to get you started:

  • from the other driver
  • Their name
  • Their phone number
  • Their driver’s license number
  • Their vehicle registration information
  • Witnesses (if there are any)
  • Full Name
  • Phone Number (or another preferred method of contact)
  • Description of what they saw

Whether you were able to obtain this information yourself or someone you know obtained it for you, it will be very important throughout your motorcycle injury claim.

I don’t have any of this, what do I do now?

While it’s best to get this information right away, that’s not always possible. Whether your injuries prevented you from collecting it or you just never thought to get it, there are ways to make sure you do get the information after the fact.

If the police attended the scene, they will likely have completed a police report, which will include the information required. This is part of the reason it is so important to contact the police when motorcycle accidents occur.

If the police never attended the scene and you simply forgot to get the other driver’s information, you must contact a motorcycle lawyer immediately. An experienced motorcycle lawyer will have the means of discovering it for you.

Key to Motorcycle Injury Claims 4: Report the Accident to Your Own Insurance Company

After an accident, it’s important to contact your own motorcycle insurance provider to report what happened and what injuries you sustained. You should have coverage to repair the vehicle itself, as well as coverages for physiotherapy and other medical treatment you require in the immediate aftermath of the accident.

While some people don’t want to report accidents to their insurance companies, it is better to be safe and report. The last thing you should do is to agree with the other party to not report an accident, just to have them report it to their insurance behind your back.

Tip: While it is important to report accidents to your insurance company, the other driver’s insurance adjuster may try to contact you. If this happens, DO NOT answer any of their questions without first consulting with a motorcycle lawyer. Remember, they are trying to pay you as little as possible for your injuries and it does not benefit you whatsoever to give them a reason for doing so. An experienced motorcycle lawyer can advise you of the best approaches in these situations. NOVA Injury Law charges no fee for this type of consultation. Contact us today for free advice on how to handle insurance adjusters.

Furthermore, NEVER admit fault! By wrongly admitting fault, you may put your claim in jeopardy. If this is the case, call a NOVA Injury Law immediately.

Key to Motorcycle Injury Claims 5: Talk to a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle claims can be difficult, long-running, and expensive, even if you know exactly what to do. That’s why it’s advisable to work with a professional.

NOVA Injury Law offers free case reviews so motorcycle injury victims can get the advice they need, at absolutely no cost. During the review, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the claim, its potential value, and whether hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer will add value to the eventual settlement. We help motorcycle injury victims understand the various aspects of the motorcycle injury claim process and protect your rights every step of the way.

The motorcycle accident lawyers at NOVA Injury Law operate on a ‘no win, no fee’ guarantee to ensure accident victims don’t suffer any additional financial strain.

Wondering if you have a motorcycle injury claim? Call NOVA Injury Law’s experienced motorcycle accident lawyers at 1-800-262-8104 now! 

Want to read about ‘good’ motorcycle claim settlements? Click here.

Want to know more about the personal injury lawyer process in general? Click here.