Bedford Fire and Burn Injury Lawyers
At NOVA Injury Law, we recognize the profound physical and emotional toll fire-related injuries can have on individuals and their families. Our team is dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you deserve. As the only firm in the region with an in-house medical professional, we are uniquely equipped to answer your questions and help you get the evidence you need. Reach out to our Bedford-based attorneys today for a free consultation regarding your fire and burn injury case.
Frequent Causes of Fire and Burn Injuries
Many of us have been burned at home while cooking or tending a fire, but burn injuries can occur just about anywhere. Below are some common causes of serious burns where negligence or fault may play a role:
- Exposure to hazardous chemicals
- Contact with electrical currents
- Fires on commercial properties
- Malfunctioning or defective products
- Automobile accidents involving fire
- Exposure to radiation
How Burns Are Classified
Burns are medically classified by their severity and the depth of skin damage:
- First-degree burns: These affect only the outermost skin layer (epidermis), causing redness and discomfort. A mild sunburn is a typical example, and such burns usually leave no lasting damage.
- Second-degree burns: This category, also referred to as partial-thickness, includes burns that extend into the middle layer of skin (dermis). They may present with redness, swelling, and blisters. While minor cases often heal on their own, larger or deeper second-degree burns—especially those covering more than 10% of the body—require specialized care.
- Third-degree burns: These severe burns penetrate both the outer and middle skin layers, potentially affecting muscles, tendons, and bones. The damaged area may appear blackened, white, or ashen, and nerve damage may result in a lack of sensation in the affected area.
Potential Complications From Severe Burns
While first-degree burns don’t typically cause complications, more severe burn injuries often require extensive medical care and rehabilitation. Depending on the severity and location of the burn, complications may include:
- Loss of a limb
- Limited mobility
- Increased vulnerability to infections
- Permanent scarring or disfigurement
Rehabilitation might involve pain management, physical therapy, or reconstructive procedures such as skin grafting. Unfortunately, physical challenges just scratch the surface of complications, as recovering burn victims may face emotional trauma due to the incident. Psychological support is also essential to help victims process their emotions and adjust to life after a life-altering event.
What To Know When Filing a Fire and Burn Injury Claim
In Nova Scotia, personal injury claims—including those for burn injuries—must typically be filed within two years of the incident. Acting promptly is crucial, as it allows your lawyer sufficient time to gather evidence and build a strong case.
After being burned, the most important thing is to seek prompt medical attention. Once you’re safe, document all of your injuries with photographs and write down all the details you remember about the incident while it’s fresh in your memory. You should also collect contact information for any witnesses, since they may be able to provide testimony.
Call Our Bedford Fire and Burn Injury Lawyers Today!
At NOVA Injury Law, we combine legal expertise with medical insight to assist victims of fire and burn injuries. Let us handle the complexities of your claim while you focus on recovery. Please reach out for a free, no-obligation review of your case.