What is the Health Association of Nova Scotia
The Health Association of Nova Scotia is a Third-Party Administrator, a liason between the employee, employer, and service provider. It is not an insurance company, but a ‘self-insured’ long-term disability benefits plan governed by a legal trust fund and directed by a Board of Trustees.
What is the EASE Program?
The Early Assistance and Support for Employees (EASE) program run by the NSAHO Long Term Disability Plan. The purpose of the program is to get you back to work.It is a voluntary and confidential program designed to provide support and assistance to employees who are absent from work for more than three weeks due to an illness or injury that is not related to a workplace injury.
Why was I selected to enter the EASE Program?
The IWK sends a list of employees who met the EASE criteria to the Health Association. A Program Manager coordinates outreach to workers to provide information. There is no penalty should you wish to not participate.
What will I do as part of the EASE Program?
The EASE services are provided by rehabilitation consultants from an outside business. The Program will be provided based on your needs. Services and resources will be paid for by the Program. Common types of assistance include physiotherapy, massage therapy, counselling, functional assessments, job site analysis, work conditioning programs, nutrition consults, and gym memberships, etc.
Should I do the EASE Program
Jeff Mitchell is an experienced Long Term Disability Benefits Lawyer who has successfully advanced his client’s interests before the Nova Scotia Public Service Trust Fund. To book your free consultation, call toll-free: 1-855-670-1345 or 902-702-3452. Prefer to email? Email Jeff at jeff@novainjurylaw.com.