Halifax Car Accident Lawyers
No one ever anticipates getting into a motor vehicle accident. The aftermath is often overwhelming, and the insurance companies involved will do everything they can to pay out as little as possible. When you’re taking care of your injuries and focusing on your recovery, you shouldn’t be worried about getting a fair settlement, legal fees, extensive medical bills, or anything besides getting healthy again.
After a car accident occurs, the insurance adjuster will usually try to contact you and offer a quick settlement before you have had time to assess the impact of your injuries fully. If you choose to handle your claim without help from a car accident lawyer, be very cautious when speaking with the insurance company. We encourage you to contact a car accident injury lawyer before speaking to an insurance company. A good injury lawyer from Halifax will inform you of the important legal impact of seemingly routine discussions with your insurance company, for example:
- Should you give a statement?
- Should you comment on your injuries?
- Do you have a “minor injury”?
- What treatment do you need?
- Were your actions to blame for any aspect of the accident?
The answers to these questions, and many others, have a direct impact on your personal injury claim, even if they sound like they are coming from a place of kindness or concern.
If you have already spoken to the insurance company or provided an accident adjuster with a statement, please get in touch with another experienced car accident lawyer or us as soon as possible. That statement could impact your claim or your car insurance rates going forward.
How Do I Know if I’m Eligible for Injury Compensation?
NOVA is dedicated to our trade – Injury Law. We know the opportunities and pitfalls at play with car accident claims. Put our experience on your side to safeguard your car accident claim and maximize your recovery.
Even if you aren’t ready to contact a lawyer yet, please do ensure that you are taking care of your medical recovery. Too often do we see clients who have serious injuries but have not sought out medical treatment – many of the most severe injuries can grow in severity if not addressed quickly.
Many car accident victims may be able to walk away from an accident, but some experience considerable effects from the accident, including whiplash, bruising, concussion or brain injuries, internal bleeding, and broken bones. In addition to physical injuries, many accident victims suffer psychological effects from the accident; generalized anxiety, driving anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or a change from their regular selves. Even these invisible consequences of a car accident can be devastating to the victim and can have a lasting impact on their quality of life.
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Be sure to speak to your family doctor about your injuries. Seek out a walk-in clinic or emergency department if your doctor isn’t available to see you in a timely manner.
Once your injuries have been addressed, why not take advantage of our no-risk-free case assessment? At worst, you’ll understand the law related to your claim and have a good understanding of your injury claim. At best, you’ll have an experienced injury lawyer working directly on your case from start to finish to be sure that you get the compensation you deserve.
What Should I Do if I’ve Been in a Car Accident?
If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, it’s important not to panic. Depending on the severity of the accident, several things will begin to happen at once, with multiple parties becoming involved, such as police and medical personnel. Generally, an individual in an accident should consider the following:
- Check yourself for injuries and seek emergency medical attention if needed. If your vehicle is no longer safe and is a hazard to other motorists, engage your hazard lights to warn other drivers that you are experiencing difficulty. If you or another person are seriously injured, call 911 for emergency medical assistance.
- After medical care is sought, you need to report the car accident to the police, especially if anyone is hurt or if there has been significant property damage. If you don’t require emergency medical care, you can start collecting insurance and contact information from the other parties involved. Be mindful of any statements you make that may inadvertently indicate fault or responsibility for the accident.
- Within a few days, report what happened to your own insurance company and see your family doctor. If treatment is recommended, your own insurance policy will cover the associated costs. Remember, you’re not obligated to speak to the other driver’s insurance company, and it’s best to get professional advice from a car accident lawyer before you do. Remember, the effects of an injury may take days to become noticeable following an accident. Be sure to document the onset of symptoms when you can to help your doctor, your lawyer, and yourself construct an accurate timeline of events following the accident itself.
How Do I File a Car Accident Claim? Can an Injury Lawyer Help Me?
Filing a claim can be difficult, especially for a person without legal experience. A personal injury lawyer can help you:
- Review the accident
- Gather evidence and determine negligence
- Draft the initial documents
- Calculate a fair settlement amount
- Ensure proper filing
Your lawyer will discuss options to take your claim to trial. Settlement may take place at any time during this process, or the case will go to full trial, where your lawyer will present the evidence and testimony, as well as examine the defense’s claims in court.
In reality, only a small percentage of injury claims make it all the way to a courtroom; instead, many cases come to a settlement agreement beforehand. A settlement refers to an agreement made between the involved parties in a pending case, where the party at fault agrees to pay money to the victim to help pay for damages, medical treatments, or other expenses. Settlements may involve structured, regular payments or large single-time sums. It is best to consult with a personal injury lawyer about your case and how much compensation you need before agreeing to any settlement amount.
How Do I Know How Much Compensation My Case is Worth?
To get an idea of the compensation that might be available, it’s best to consider all the ways your injury has affected you and those around you. Factors to consider include the nature and severity of the injury, who was at fault in the car accident, treatment received and required in the future, the impact the injury has on your ability to work, the impact the injury has on your daily activities, the impact the injury has had on your mental health, and the ways friends and family support you in your injury.
It’s always a good idea to consult with a lawyer on the strength and value of your claim.
It’s also important to consider the Minor Injury Cap if your injuries aren’t severe. Currently, the Minor Injury Cap set by Nova Scotia for 2022 is $8,937. Each year the Nova Scotia Government sets the Minor Injury Cap that applies to accidents that happen in that corresponding year (regardless of settlement date). It should be noted that this cap does not limit other losses that may become part of your injury claim, including wage loss or out-of-pocket expenses.
There are many questions that you need to ask before accepting that you have a minor injury. People often think they have a minor injury when in fact, their injuries are more severe and command higher levels of compensation than they realize. When considering the impact your injury has had on you and your loved ones, it’s important to account for immediate, short-term expenses as well as any long-term care, medical equipment, and other resources you may have to utilize for the rest of your life. A car accident lawyer can help you collect all of this information and calculate an amount for your settlement so you can maximize the amount you get back while focusing on healing your injuries.
Speak to a car accident lawyer if questions arise regarding the Minor Injury Cap and whether it applies to your claim.
Should I Hire a Lawyer After an Auto Accident?
Most often, a car accident lawyer will help you to increase the value of your claim. However, not every claim requires a lawyer.
To add value to your car accident case, a lawyer must be able to increase your total take-home amount, after all, fees are paid, to greater than you would have settled for if you had worked independently.
So, for example, if you would have been able to independently negotiate a settlement of $5,000, a lawyer who charges a 25% contingency fee will need to be able to achieve a settlement greater than $7,000 to ensure you take home more than $5000 after all fees are paid.
If the lawyer doesn’t believe they will be able to add value, then it may be worth considering pursuing a settlement on your own. Our law firm will be straightforward with this aspect of planning a case and will let you know during your initial consultation if they do not believe they can add substantial value to your case. They will not, however, give you advice about how to proceed without legal assistance.
How Long Can I Wait to File a Car Accident Claim?
Generally, a two-year limitation period applies to most claims, beginning from the date of the accident. If the clock runs over the two-year mark, you risk losing your right to claim compensation. The only way to protect your claim is to file a formal legal action with the court so that the other party involved can be served papers stating as such – speaking with a car accident lawyer or the insurance company isn’t enough to file a claim truly.
Of course, if you settle before the two-year deadline, you don’t need to worry, but don’t leave things to the last minute! We suggest contacting a car accident lawyer at least three months before the expiry of your claim. That way, you will have enough time to file and address any roadblocks that may arise when filing.
It is important to note that the two-year limitation period does not apply to all cases. If your accident was one where the at-fault driver is unknown, or if your lawsuit is against a municipality, you only have one year to file your claim. It is best to contact a knowledgeable car accident lawyer soon after your injury if you are unsure how much time you have to file your claim.
Call Our Halifax Car Accident Lawyers Today!
NOVA Injury Law is a proudly Nova Scotian law firm with offices in Bedford and Halifax, and our experienced car accident lawyers are prepared to assist you with your car accident case. Aside from the free case review and contingency fee agreement, NOVA Injury Law offers something that other Atlantic Canadian firms do not – we are the only birth injury lawyers in Atlantic Canada with a doctor on the team. Dr. Laura Mitchell is a practicing emergency room physician with special training in occupational medicine. This allows the experienced car accident lawyers at NOVA Injury Law to properly support your claim with the most complete, accurate, and convincing medical evidence that is gathered by a medical professional.
No one plans to be involved in a serious car accident. In a matter of a few moments, an ordinary trip can have lasting effects on the victims of car accidents. If you believe your injury was caused by the negligence of another party, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries or suffering, both physical and mental.
If one of your loved ones has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact the car accident lawyers today at NOVA Injury Law. For more information or to set up an initial consultation, you can reach us by email, text, Facebook messenger, and more, or by calling our firm at 902-706-5205. Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to support you and your loved ones – no matter when you need us.