Should You Call the Police if You are Involved in a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton?

Calling the police after an accident is a good idea because it will help ensure a police report is completed which can then be used as evidence and can provide important details such as the time/place the accident occurred, the names and insurance information of the parties involved, the amount of damage to the vehicles involved, who was at fault, and whether there were tickets/charges laid. In Sydney, Cape Breton, if there is more than $2,000 in damage to either vehicle or if someone involved in the accident suffers an injury, a police report is required by law. A police report can help prove the other party was liable for your injuries.

Should You Speak to the Other Driver Involved in a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton?

Speaking with the other driver involved in a car accident is a good idea because it can help obtain valuable information needed for your claim. If possible, you should obtain as much information from the other driver as you can, including: the other driver’s name, phone number, license plate number, address, insurer, and insurance policy number. This information can help ensure your car accident lawyer is able to get to work on your claim right away. If there were any witnesses present, their contact information should also be obtained. Anyone involved in a car accident in Sydney, Cape Breton has a duty to provide the other driver(s) involved with there contact information and insurance particulars upon request.

When speaking to the other parties in an accident, be brief and limit your conversation to the particulars of the accident. Offering assistance can be the human thing to do but an apology can be interpreted as an admission of guilt by an insurance company and their representatives. Likewise, you should be mindful of any apologies offered by the other driver(s) and/or any comments they make regarding the circumstances of the accident. This can help establish liability for your injuries.

If You are Involved in a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton, should You Report it to Your Insurance Company?

Reporting an accident to your own insurance company is important to help get your version of events on record and to enable you to access your accident benefits coverage. Nova Scotia has a no-fault motor car insurance system, and you should report the accident to your own insurance company as soon as possible. Provide the details of the accident but do not discuss the extent of your injuries without speaking to a car accident lawyer first.

Additionally, everyone that carries car accident insurance in Sydney, Cape Breton, carries a number of different types of insurance, one of which is Accident Benefits coverage, otherwise known as Section B benefits. These benefits cover things like medical treatments, medically necessary out-of-pocket expenses, lost mileage, and some income replacement. Everyone that carries car insurance in Sydney, Cape Breton has access to these benefits regardless of who is at fault for the accident. In general, a Section B claim must be reported to your insurer within 30 days from the date of the accident. It is important to report a car accident to your insurance company to ensure there is no delay in your ability to access these benefits.

Should You Seek Medical Attention if You Don’t Believe You are Injured after a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton?

You should always be assessed by a doctor after being involved in a car accident. Most people experience some degree of shock and adrenaline after being involved in a car accident which can be an extremely effective painkiller. Many injuries and symptoms do not present themselves at the accident scene or even on the day of the accident. Immediate medical attention can help facilitate your treatment process and ensure you don’t have any hidden injuries. For example, it is possible to develop a concussion without actually hitting your head during an accident and it is important that you are checked for a head injury amongst other things. Delayed treatment after a car accident can negatively impact both your recovery process and the value of your claim. Our team of car accident lawyers will help support you throughout your recovery process and ensure that you have access to all available treatment options.

Seeing your family doctor or going to the hospital will ensure that you are properly assessed and your injuries are documented. If x-rays or other scans are required, it is important to have them completed as soon as possible following a car accident. Seeing a doctor will also ensure you are referred for any medically necessary treatment without delay. Following up in the weeks and months after your initial assessment is important to help document the ongoing nature of any injuries you have suffered. Doctor’s notes and records provide important evidence that is used to support your claim and will help ensure your car accident lawyer is able to get you the best results possible.

Should You Speak with the Other Driver Insurance Company if You are Involved in a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton?

You are under no obligation to speak with another driver’s insurance company and you should not do so or agree to give a statement without consulting a car accident lawyer first. It is an insurance adjusters role to help protect the financial interests of their clients and what you say could be used against you at a later date. Furthermore, most companies will insist on recording all calls between you and their adjusters. Once you are represented by a car accident lawyer, the other insurance company’s involved will only contact you through your lawyer.

An experienced car accident injury lawyer will deal with the other driver’s insurance company on your behalf and ensure that your interests are protected. Insurance companies often try to obtain more information from an unrepresented car accident victim than they are entitled to and having a car accident injury lawyer will help ensure this doesn’t happen to you. It is important that the insurance companies involved are given only the information necessary to help settle your claim. Communicating with a defendant insurance company involves many difficult strategic decisions and it is critical to have a car accident injury lawyer guide you through this process.

Should You Take Pictures of the Accident Scene?

Photographs and videos of the accident scene can provide important evidence to help support your claim. If you have a camera or videophone you should take pictures of the accident scene and attempt to capture any damage to either vehicle along with the area the accident occurred. Additionally, you should photograph any injuries which are physically identifiable such as cuts, scrapes, and bruises.

Sydney, Cape Breton is known for having harsh winters and difficult driving conditions. Potholes, construction, seasonal changes, and other obstacles are all too common. Pictures of road conditions and any other contributing factors to your car accident can help your car accident lawyer get you the best results possible.

How Long do You Have to Bring a Claim for Damages if You are Injured in a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton?

You have two years from the date of a car accident to file a Notice of Action and Statement of Claim in court to protect your right to claim compensation. This means you should a hire a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after an accident to ensure your interests are protected.

What Should You Do if You Are Hurt because of a Car Accident in Sydney, Cape Breton?

If you are hurt in a car accident in Sydney, Cape Breton, or anywhere else in Nova Scotia, it is important that you speak with a car accident lawyer right away. NOVA Injury Law offers free initial consultations and can help guide you through the process so you are able to focus on your recovery.

Call NOVA Injury Law at 902-442-8853 to arrange a free consultation. Jeff Mitchell and our team of experienced personal injury lawyers understand car accident insurance law, and we’ll work to ensure you receive the best possible outcome. We will support you during your recovery process and ensure that your voice is heard. We know what medical evidence is required and will help you compile it. Let us handle all communication regarding your injury claim, as there are people employed by the insurance company whose job is to reduce your entitlement to damages or other settlements. We’re aware of the tactics they use, and we know how to counter them.